Review: ★Filthy Rich★ by Virna DePaul

Review- Filthy RichFilthy Rich
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Author: Virna DePaul
Release Date: October 27, 2015add-to-goodreads-button3


High finance and a sizzling office affair raise desire and passion to the boiling point in Virna DePaul’s seductive new contemporary romance—perfect for fans of Carly Phillips, Lori Foster, and Molly O’Keefe.

Cara Michal has had to fight every step of the way to earn her place in the glittering seven-figure world of Wall Street. Years ago her hardworking father, a small-time investment adviser, was humiliated and wrongfully accused of fraud. Now Cara is at the top of her game, trying to support not only herself but her mother and brother. The occasional night out dancing soothes Cara’s soul, even as a bitter need for revenge against the man who destroyed her father makes inner peace elusive.

Then, in a moment of heat, Cara kisses a sexy stranger at a party—only later to discover that the man is Branden Duke, her new boss, an infamous operator with a wicked reputation in bed and on the Street. Branden is a man who seemingly has it all—except a woman who connects with him on a physical and emotional level. Now that he’s found Cara, he’s not sure he can let her go, even if he should.

In spite of herself, Cara is drawn to this charismatic guy. He is a challenge like none she has ever faced in her life. Their passion for each other is unquenchable, surprising them both with its ferocity. Even as Cara wonders if she can trust this man with her heart and soul, the ecstasy of their love cannot be denied. But when the past threatens the present, the two are faced with a truth from which they may never recover.

Buy LinksAmazon / iBooks / Barnes & Noble / Kobo  / Google Play

Review2 Stars

I’ve loved everything else I’ve ever read from this author, so I was excited to see she had a new book coming out. The synopsis intrigued me and it sounded like I’d be in for another steamy read from the fabulous Virna Depaul. Unfortunately, there were just too many things working against this book for me to ever truly enjoy it.

I struggled with my rating, but I figure per GR’s explanation; it was just OK, so 2 stars it is.

Cara Michal is a hard hitter on Wall Street. After her father’s death, she’s been the main bread winner for her family; supporting not only her mother but her brother as well. Her career is everything to her and she won’t let anything or any one jeopardize it. But then a sexy stranger she meets at a party tilts her carefully conducted life on it’s axis.

When it turns out that the stranger isn’t some stranger after all; but is in fact the new owner of the financial institution that Cara works for, their brewing sexual chemistry becomes even more inconvenient.

Now the premise for this book was great. I loved the set and where I though the story was going. My main issue is I found a good chunk of the book to be pure filler; unnecessary information that did nothing to drive the actual plot. It was draining to read and often took me completely out of the story. I think this could have easily been trimmed by almost 30-40% if I’m being perfectly honest.

My second issue was with Cara. Her indecisiveness drove me nuts. She wants him, but she can’t have him, she’ll cave in, but it won’t go further than that. Rinse, lather, and repeat ad nauseam. Ultimately though, here’s a woman that refuses to be “kept” and struggles to be seen as an equal in a mainly male dominated profession, yet she’s taking risks by having sexual encounters with her boss at work. It just seemed like she’d cave in too easily that all her internal arguments for her profession were moot.

Then there were the sex scenes. Perhaps I’m just desensitized to erotic books that I’ve become picky, but personally the word “penis” in a sex scene does absolutely nothing for me. Particularly in an explicit one.

When she felt his fingers there she sucked them into her mouth, making love to them the same way she’d made love to his penis just a little while ago.”

Making love to his penis? Are we actually waxing on poetic about a blow job here?

I want you inside me.”
“My fingers are inside you.”
“No! I want your penis inside me.”

Le sigh.

Then add in a random stalker to throw in some suspense and I was altogether underwhelmed.

I did love Braden’s intensity. Virna DePaul definitely knows how to write a super sexy alpha. Unfortunately while there were parts that I did enjoy, the negatives simply outweighed the enjoyment for me. I’m still a huge fan of this author and will gladly read any of her future releases. We simply can’t love them all, and this was just that case for me. I recommend you read it and judge for yourself. I tend to be a highly critical and picky reader; so you never know, it just may work for you.

Review: ★Broken Play★ by Samantha Kane

Review Broken Play Broken Play
Series: Birmingham Rebels #1
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author: Samantha Kane
Release Date: September 1, 2015add-to-goodreads-button3


Perfect for fans of Shayla Black and Lexi Blake, the deeply sensual new Birmingham Rebels series introduces an unforgettable team of chiseled football gods—and the daring, provocative games they play behind closed doors.

Birmingham Rebels offensive linemen Beau Perez and Cass Zielinski are inseparable, on and off the field. Cass, the captain with the cowboy swagger, is a loose cannon. Beau, the veteran tight end, is cool under pressure. And ever since they were caught on tape in a steamy threesome, their exploits have fueled more than a few tabloid headlines—and naughty fantasies.

Marian Treadwell knows all about the video. And now that she’s the Rebels’ new assistant offensive coach, she can’t look at Beau and Cass without picturing their hard, naked bodies—with her pressed in between. Marian would like nothing more than to indulge those impulses, but she knows better than to get too close to her players, a bunch of adrenaline-fueled alpha males who don’t always follow the rules.

Just the thought of sharing the gorgeous yet guarded Marian drives Cass wild. At first, Beau isn’t sure she’s right for them . . . and lately, all he desires is a little alone time with Cass to explore their new intimacy. But it’s only a matter of time before Cass breaks through both of their defenses. Because when seduction is the game plan, he always plays to win.

Broken Play is intended for mature audiences.

Buy LinksAmazon / iBooks

Review2 Stars

Well…this is what happens when I read a book based on the hot cover alone. Le sigh. At first I was excited because it reminded me a little of another series I love but with hockey players, The Dartmouth Cobras series by Bianca Sommerland; biggest difference being that that series is heavy on BDSM and this one wasn’t.

Unfortunately, I’m past the point where I can read a smutty book for the pure enjoyment of hot sex scenes. I need a plot driver, I need character development, I need something other than hot sex to keep me reading, and this book just didn’t have that.

I love the concept and the sex scenes were hot and aplenty, but I needed more depth. I felt like I was jumping into the book halfway. The main 2 characters clearly have a history but it’s only briefly mentioned and not really developed. They meet the heroine who happens to be their team’s new assistant offensive coach. Marian has a very bad history with football players in her past and sleeping with two men is crossing a boundary, but yet they it takes them absolutely no time before they’re groping each other
The rest of the book goes something the lines of this:
Something happens.
Something else happens.
Some other stuff happens.

I thought I was reading the screenplay for a porn most of the time.

Look guys,
I felt no connection to the characters or the plot. I felt like all of it was muted in the constant sex fog. I got to the point where I was skimming most of the sex scenes because honest to god, my vagina hurt for Mariam.

It had a very hot MMF threesome which I usually love, but again, I need more depth to the story to connect to it. Then that last 20% happened and….

Yeah. No.

Listen, I’m not against some hot gang bang action here, if I felt like it actually fit the plot. But while there was a “reason” for it, I just didn’t think it was good enough. It totally came out of left field for me (pun intended). Suffice it to say I think this book managed to out perve me. Hot sex is all fine and dandy as long as it’s wrapped around the plot and not the other way around.

Will I read the rest of the series? Probably not simply because I just didn’t connect to any of the MCs or the secondary characters. It was all over the place for me. The writing was good, it was the story that was lacking for me. If you’re looking for a super hot and smutty MMF read, this is definitely the book for you.

Review: ★HOT ALPHAS (Anthology)★

Authors: Lora Leigh, Laurelin McGee, Shiloh Walker, Kate Douglas
Genre: Erotic Romance (anthology)
Release Date: May 19, 2015

In Erin’s Kiss by Lora Leigh, ex-Marine Turk has become Erin’s sworn protector. The consistent target of her CIA-operative brother’s deadly foes, Turk is the only port Erin has to cling to in a storm. He promised her brother long ago never to touch her—but how can he resist a woman who aches to be with him as much as he burns for her?

In misTaken by Laurelin McGee, Jaylene Kim is a strong independent woman whose feminist values run deep. Even though attractive men are her weakness the last thing she wants is one telling her what to do. Until she meets her mysterious new neighbor. He makes her realize that you can still be strong and relinquish control . . . in the bedroom. But as their passion consumes them both Jaylene isn’t so sure he is who he says he is.

In Burn for Me by Shiloh Walker, Tate longs to spend his nights with Ali, a woman he’s loved for years. But while Ali’s heart pines to be with Tate, her head has reservations. Ali knows that Tate has never forgiven his father for the fight he had with his mother right before she left the house—and was never heard from again. Tate’s unresolved anger is a force to be reckoned with . . . but the heat that blazes between them is undeniable. Now both Tate and Ali are left to wonder: Can love really conquer all?

In Tangled by Kate Douglas, Nate shows up to work at Tangled Vineyards ready to do all the things he loves best—work with his hands, grow the grapes, and craft award-winning, full-bodied wines. But when something better comes along in the form of Cassie, the winemaker and former owner of the vineyard, Nate becomes completely love-drunk. Getting involved with Tangled’s number-one mixologist is a bad way to start off a new job, but with Cassie as a constant temptation, Nate doesn’t stand a chance…

I only read 3 of the 4 novellas in this book. So those are the 3 that I will be rating.

Erin’s Kiss by Lora Leigh– 2 Stars

I used to be a huge fan of this author. She was the one that first introduced me to erotic romance with Wild Card. But it’s like she just stopped trying lately. The stories have become regurgitated drivel. They all sound the same. You’ve read one, you’ve read them all. Change the characters’ names, rinse, lather and repeat. Another undercover operative with commitment issues and a sassy heroine that wakes him up? Been there. Read that. The writing? Made me roll my eyes so many times I thought they’d permanently get stuck that way…

That pleasure was immediately followed by a pulse of arousal so sharp it clenched her womb. The sensitive flesh between her thighs grew more sensitive…

and not 2 lines after

Her breasts pressed into the heated width of his chest, her nipples hardening to immediate, painful sensitivity as her breasts began to ache for touch.

Honest to gawd, if I read that his quivering member quivered, I may have thrown my kindle across the room.

I felt like I was starting this book from the middle of the series. The author sort of just throws you into things without much of a backstory. It was almost like starting a series from book 3 if you know what I mean. Having read most of this author’s backlist, I’ve also noticed every single one of her characters lately sounds the same. That same “Damn you. Damn you, you witch” line makes an appearance in practically each book. At this point, I’m just over it.

misTaken by Laurelin McGee-1 star

Never has a book infuriated me as much as this one did. And I consider myself a fairly laid back person. I don’t take my fiction too seriously, because it’s just that…fiction. Let’s look past the writing style that didn’t work for me at all. Let’s also forget that the dialogue between the characters read like something out of a YA novel. Let’s also overlook the fact that the hero is supposed to be an alpha, and yet he actually stumbles over his thoughts as to whether or not to hug the heroine after walking her home when he first meets her. YES, you read that right. HUG.

But then the nail on the coffin was this…

…you won’t catch me dead with a romance novel.” She shivered again, but this time in mock-horror.

“What’s wrong with romance novels?” He looked genuinely puzzled.

What the hell? It wasn’t obvious?

“They’re completely ridiculous. Hot alpha male with a broken past and massive bank account is healed by the golden vagina of a naive girl he meets under completely contrived circumstances. No thank you. That’s just smutty fairy tale for the Basic Bitch. It’s demeaning, and unrealistic. Besides, the sex in those books is always weirdly dominant and controlling.

I only have 2 questions here

This is a conversation between the hero and heroine within a ROMANCE NOVEL

Now to be fair, I understand what the author was trying to do here. The hero, after all, is an erotic romance writer. Mwuhahahaha. Get it? How fitting that this feminist heroine would fall for him. Unfortunately though, even if it was clearly satyrical, it turned me off completely. I was already struggling with reading about a heroine with strongly feminist views (it’s just not my cuppa). Add in her severe dislike for a genre that this Basic Bitch happens to be reading, and yeah…nope. It just didn’t work for me.

This was my first Laurelin McGee book, so this faux pas aside, I’d give her another try with a different book. Unfortunately if I hate a heroine it will almost always ruin the book for me, and that’s exactly what happened here and this didn’t work for me at all.

Burn for Me by Shiloh Walker– 3 stars

This was the saving grace of the anthology for me. I love Shiloh Walker. This is a novella that has been previously published, Burn For Me and is the first in what was 3 prequel novellas. The story gives a HEA for the couple introduced, but the story ARC continues throughout the next 2 books.

I read Erin’s Kiss, then Burn for Me, and misTaken next. Sadly misTaken managed to totally kill the vibe of the book for me and I just couldn’t find it in me to read the next novella, Tangled by Kate Douglas. I may come back to it on a later date.

On a side note, I really loved the previous 2 anthologies in this series, so maybe that’s why I was as disappointed as I was with this one? Who knows. Try it yourself and see. I know I tend to be picky with my books, so it may very well be a case of it’s just me.

Review: ★A Beautiful Kind of Love★ by Ellie Wade

A Beautiful Kind of Love (Choices #1)
Author: Ellie Wade
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Romance
Release Date: April 11, 2015

Every choice has a consequence.

I believe in soul mates. Why? Because I have one and his name is Jax Porter.

I have known Jax my whole life and I have loved him with every breath I’ve ever taken. The fact that we were born a mere month apart to mothers that are best friends has made us inseparable since birth.

What we have is so rare, one would think our story would be written, our fate sealed. But, unfortunately that’s not how life works. Life offers us many choices that can turn destiny into chance.

I now find myself heading toward a destination that I could have never imagined and I have to figure out where to go from here.
Will the choices that have been made change our path forever or will fate find its way?

Being the absolute angst whore that I am and after seeing many friends rave about this book and how emotional and angsty it was and seeing it all over my Goodreads feed, reading it was a no brainer for me. I was practically salivating after the synopsis alone.

Now that I finished?

And not for the reasons that you’d think. In all honesty, I found absolutely nothing angsty about this book. Nothing. Even when there was an “angsty” situation, there was just not enough backstory or development given with it to make me even slightly care about the character or their plight. None.

It started out great. There’s only one thing that I love more than a friends to lovers romance, and that’s a second chance romance. Unfortunately, I never clicked with either characters or their romance.

So what exactly didn’t work for me? Almost everything….

The writing
The lack of contractions in this book drove me up the wall crazy. I’m talking eye-twitching, hand itching to reach through my kindle and add an apostrophe myself sort of crazy. It got to the point that every time I saw it, I began to channel my inner Austin Powers.

I do not know of any teenagers that talk this way. It is highly annoying. I do not like it.

Weird timeline
The book starts off with both Jax and Lily at age twelve, but it doesn’t give a year. It refers to The Bodyguard as being one of Lily’s mom’s old movies. How old was her mom when she had her? Twelve? It was made in 1992. If this is based a number of years ago (considering at the end of the book Jax and Lily are 21 going on 22), then by method of deduction it would be 2005 when they’re 12 and a 1992 movie would NOT be old. Then when they’re 17, kindles and iPods are referenced. Then Katy Perry just a little later. It just didn’t add up. Perhaps if the author dated the time frames and put a year with the chapters it would have helped.

Considering that these two are supposed to be best friends, they had so much miscommunication between them it was like they were playing a game of broken telephone. The amount of stupid decisions that were made that could have easily been avoided with a question or simple talk was ridiculous. Yes, I get that they’re teenagers but c’mon. They’re supposed to be BFFs. And it’s like they spent the entire book misreading this or assuming that…

Here’s an MC I’m supposed to be swooning over and falling for. Yet the only thing I felt for him was….rage. Pure frustrated rage.

There’s a decision that Jax makes that is the catalyst for all the fuckery that takes place in this book. But here’s the thing…I didn’t get it. Why? How? And most importantly, WHY? There was a reason given, but it was weak. Oh so weak. It was almost like it was thrown in there as a ‘by the way’ sort of thing, just to explain it. Or try to explain it anyway. But it didn’t explain it. At all. If anything, it just frustrated me more. Perhaps if there was more background, more backstory and more development with it, I could have understood. But as it was, I found the reason to be stupid. So stupid it actually made me dislike him as a character.

Secondary characters
You know what I love in my books? Unpredictability. Nothing better than a good plot twist. I found the set up with the secondary characters so predictable, it was eye roll inducing. I knew from the very second that a particular secondary character was introduced, what would happen. And I was right. I don’t think it could have been made any more obvious. Perhaps that was the point? But as it was…

I’m a picky bitch when it comes to my heroines, it’s true. But could Lily have been more of a wet blanket? Gawd. I really felt for her at first, but then her constant back and forth and forgiving of Jax’s douchebaggary made me completely lose respect for her. And then that ending? Are you freaking kidding me?!!! No really. Are you FREAKING kidding me? OMG!

I had to take a day to sleep on my thoughts after finishing this book because had I posted a review immediately after, it probably would have been a 2 page rant. I hate leaving bad reviews, especially when I seem to be one of the VERY few that doesn’t connect with the story, but I couldn’t think of one thing I liked about this book. Not one. And that seriously hurts my heart because I had such high hopes for it. Will I read the second book? Probably not. I just don’t care enough for the characters to want to know where the journey takes them. Unless I’m hit by some masochistic curious urge, I doubt I’ll continue.

I realize I’m in the extreme minority with my thoughts, but before you throw stones and rotten tomatoes, just remember

So don’t let my asshole opinion deter you from reading it. Try it yourself and see. Who knows? You just may love it.

Review: ★American Savages★ by J.J. McAvoy

American Savages (Ruthless People #3)
Genre: Erotic, Contemporary, Suspense
Author: J.J. McAvoy
Release Date: March 19, 2015
“Villains by Choice.”

Betrayed. Melody is nowhere to be found, Liam is in jail, and the Callahan family is cracking, just as Avian Doers, the FBI Director and puppet master behind their downfall, planned.

But just because they’re down doesn’t mean they’re out. To fight back, Liam and Melody will have to put everything on the line. The kid gloves are coming off, and no one is getting out alive. Nothing will compare to the reign of terror that is about to envelope the entire country. First they were Ruthless, now they are pure Savages. The end is here, and no one is safe…

18+ Adults Only for violence and sex.

2 Stars

Don’t cross the mob and you get to live. How many more mafia movies does Robert De Niro have to be in before people get that? 

WARNING: Unpopular opinion  

Let me preface my review by saying that clearly I’m in the VAST minority with my opinion. Most of my friends absolutely loved this book. So please take what I say with a grain of salt and keep in mind that it’s just my opinion. While it may not have worked for me, it may just work for you.

I realize that I’m reading fiction and I’m reading for enjoyment. However, I’m also an extremely analytical reader that finds it next near to impossible to shut my brain off and I tend to be picky. If you can take this book for what it is, you’ll most likely enjoy it. As for me? I felt that it took me completely out of the realm of reality. It was way too OTT for my tastes. Additionally there were quite a few plot issues that clearly had not been properly researched. Having knowledge of these particular things, made them stand out to me like a freaking neon sign. I’m of a mind that if you’re going to be writing about a particular culture, government agency, etc, you need to know what you’re writing. Getting even the most minute detail wrong can take something great and shoot it into something not so great in the span of a second.

Now here’s the thing, I loved the first book. Like five starred loved it. While book 2 wasn’t quite as good for me, I was really anticipating this conclusion to this epic story. I couldn’t wait to dive back into the ruthless world of Mel and Liam, especially after that cliff hanger in The Untouchables.

I’m a romance reader at heart, and there’s nothing better for me than a dark and gritty one. BUT and this is a big but, the romance has to be the predominant part of the story. I have to be able to like the characters I’m reading about and sadly I fell completely out of love with Mel and Liam in this book. Clearly these characters are not heroes, or even anti-heroes. They’re the villains, and they’re cutthroat. But just because I know that they’re not the good guys and obviously are not going to do good things, doesn’t mean that I want front row seat to the show. I don’t want to read (in detail) about the torture and death of innocent victims at their hands (highlight to view spoiler)The cop’s mistress and wife, FBI agents (end spoiler)That was the beginning of the end for me. As soon as that happened, I was so bothered that I began to nitpick practically every other thing that I didn’t like.
What can I say?

I should have just DNF’d, but I wanted to see how it ended…so I pushed myself through.

Unfortunately the further I read, the further we began to get from the scope of reality. Some of the things that take place were so completely over the top they were just plain unbelievable. Let’s allow that a mafia family is so powerful that can afford to buy their own “puppet” into presidency. But let’s not forget certain things like political protocol and how things work either…

“The FBI are the police of the United States! I am the head of the United States…

Fine. I won’t touch on the errors of ^^^ that. However, when said mafia comes to said president asking for EXTREMELY confidential list of undercover FBI agents, the president, no matter being the head of the United States does NOT have the power to get that information overnight. It doesn’t matter if he’s going to be going to the head of the FBI…

Then you have a ‘terrorist threat’ making a demand that the head of FBI and the president both stand down or else they’re going to (highlight to view spoiler) kill the undercover FBI agent they capture. Agent. As in one. (end spoiler)and the president says this?

I have congressmen, governors, the FBI, CIA, and Interpol turning to me for a plan!

Really? Where’s the NSA during this kerfuffle? How about Homeland Security? Or the fact that the president is not going to be the sole decision maker here.

Then there was the epilogue where we leave the realm of possibility so far, I felt I was in a different universe. (view spoiler)[Mel becomes governor and is on her way to running for presidency while Liam is the head of the Irish Mob. (hide spoiler)] I mean FFS. Really? Le sigh.

Maybe if the over abundance of gratuitous violence didn’t initially turn me off I could have looked past the rest of the issues I had, but it did and I couldn’t. I wouldn’t really categorize this as a romance, or at least it wasn’t for me. This was more suspense and thriller with a erotic sex scenes. But when it started getting so OTT, I quickly lost touch with the romantic aspect of this book (as in I couldn’t even remember it)

I told you all I’m a picky bitch.

Sadly, as much as I was looking forward to this book, it really didn’t work for me. While I enjoyed the first 30%, I had to push myself through to the end. It just wasn’t my cuppa. So many people loved it though, so please take my review for what it is: just one opinion. Read it yourself and form your own.



Ruthless People #1

Ruthless People #2

Review: ★His To Take★ by Shayla Black

His to Take (Wicked Lovers #9)

Author: Shayla Black
Genre: Erotic, Romantic Suspense, BDSM
Release Date: March 3, 2015

HisToTakeCoverRacing against time, NSA Agent Joaquin Muñoz is searching for a little girl who vanished twenty years ago with a dangerous secret. Since Bailey Benson fits the profile, Joaquin abducts the beauty and whisks her to the safety of Club Dominion—before anyone can silence her for good.

At first, Bailey is terrified, but when her captor demands information about her past, she’s stunned. Are her horrific visions actually distant memories that imperil all she holds dear? Confined with Joaquin in a place that echoes with moans and breathes passion, he proves himself a fierce protector, as well as a sensual Master who’s slowly crawling deeper in her head…and heart. But giving in to him might be the most delicious danger of all.

Because Bailey soon learns that her past isn’t the only mystery. Joaquin has a secret of his own—a burning vengeance in his soul. The exposed truth leaves her vulnerable and wondering how much about the man she loves is a lie, how much more is at risk than her heart. And if she can trust him to protect her long enough to learn the truth.

Buy Links

Amazon / B&N / iBooks / Kobo 

2 Stars

As much as I’ve been looking forward to this book, I barely made myself finish it. I think this may have been my least favorite book in the series. After DNFing the previous book in the series, I had really high hopes for this one, so maybe I just set them too high?

The setup is interesting; NSA Agent Joaquin Muñoz agent trying to save the long, lost daughter of a murdered Russian scientist that may just hold the secrets to the life altering genetic discovery he made right before his death. After a recent string of murders point toward the killers seeking her out as well as his best friend’s murder after investigating these deaths, Joaquin decides to basically stalk and then kidnap the woman he believes to be the one the killers are after. Just one problem, she doesn’t believe him about her past. She doesn’t have any memories, but she does have some vivid dreams of a girl that just may be her. So what’s a guy to do? Take her to the safest place he can imagine, Club Dominion of course.

Unfortunately, this is also exactly where the book began to take a downhill turn. For those that may not remember Joaquin, he’s Kata’s brother from Surrender to Me. After losing his father at a young age he’s never been the same. It’s caused him to completely detach himself from feeling anything, including his family. I have to say I found a hard time connecting to something this extreme. The man has basically avoided anything to do with his family for years, even though all of them make more than numerous attempts to reach out to him.

The chemistry between Joaquin and Bailey was lackluster at best. Bailey is not a submissive but has the makings of one, and Joaquin is not a trained Dom, but has the urges of one. Enter Club Dominion and some kinky fuckery and BAM there’s spankings and feelings are involved.

Their connection seemed to be the stuff of BDSM stockholm syndrome. I just couldn’t connect to it for the life of me. They go from strangers to screwing in just a matter of days. The entire book basically circles around the suspense plot, which while somewhat interesting, never really grabbed me either.

Will I read the next book in the series? Probably. Though I don’t think I’ll be rushing to read it as soon as it releases.


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