Review: Rock Bottom (Tristan & Danika # 2) by R. K. Lilley

Their love had the power of a runaway freight train, and the potential to be just as destructive. 

The tempestuous sequel to Bad Things picks up where the first book left off. Reeling from a profound loss, Tristan and Danika struggle to pick up the pieces and build a life together, but the hard habits of a lifetime are not so easy to escape. 
Rock Bottom takes us on a dual point of view journey through addiction and desire, through love and agony, and answers the question we’ve been asking since these characters were introduced in Grounded: “What happened between Tristan and Danika?” 


Even love couldn’t cushion a fall like ours. My love for Tristan was so big that I felt consumed by it, and even so, it was not enough to overpower our combined demons. 
I struggled. I yelled and screamed. I scratched and kicked. 
I fought like hell, but even the most determined fighters have to stop before they break. 
No one could say I didn’t fight for him. 
“I love you,” I spoke softly into his ear. 
He gripped me harder. “I can’t ever lose you, Danika. I’m not sure I’d survive it.” 
“You’ve got me. And I’m not going anywhere. Not ever.” 
I meant the words when I said them, but life had other plans for us. 
I’d have given my life for that fight. In fact, I very nearly did. 

She was the one. 
If I’d ever had a doubt, I didn’t now. She was the one I’d be thinking about, longing for, until I took my last breath. If I lost her tomorrow, I’d pine for her like a lovesick fool. 
This was the kind of love that only hit you once in your life. This book is intended for readers 18 and up.

5 Devastating Stars

There was an anchor, tied around both of his ankles, and it was taking him deep, into black fathomless depths, drowning him slowly but surely.  

I didn’t tell him that he was dragging me down with him.


Sweet mother of angst. THIS BOOK. Gah! This fucking book. I knew it was coming. I prepared myself…at least I thought I did. But nothing, I mean nothing could have prepared me for the full emotional roller coaster that was the last 40% of this book. I can tell you one thing; thank FUCK I waited for book 3 to be out to finally read this, because I’m pretty sure I would have gone from batshit straight into crazyville after that ending.

Their love had the power of a runaway freight train, and the potential to be just as destructive.

Rock Bottom starts where Bad Things left off; Tristan and Danika are dealing with the grief after Tristan’s brother died. They both have their own demons that they’re fighting, but they’re fighting them together. You can feel the connection that they have through the pages. You want so bad for them to be happy and be okay, but in the back of your mind you know that there’s a darkness that’s looming over their relationship. You know it’s coming, you know it will be bad, but you have no idea when. I swear, I think I was holding my breath in anticipation through the whole book.

I love you,” I spoke softly into his ear.  
He gripped me harder. “I can’t ever lose you, Danika. I’m not sure I’d survive it.”  
“You’ve got me.  And I’m not going anywhere. Not ever.”  

I meant the words when I said them, but life had other plans for us.

The odds were stacked against them from the beginning and as much as you’re dreading for that moment to come, you know it’s inevitable. I think that’s what made this book so good, in a sadistic sort of way. That anticipation of not if but when.

Slowly you see Tristan spiral out of control more and more. Danika tries to help him, and your heart breaks along with her watching him sink deeper and deeper into darkness.

Even love couldn’t cushion a fall like ours. My love for Tristan was so big that I felt consumed by it, and even so, it was not enough to overpower our combined demons.

I finished this in one sitting. I simply couldn’t put it down. I knew that whatever goes down between them is going to be bad. I just don’t think I was prepared for just how bad it would be. My god! That ending! Everything that happens! Danika! Tristan! Gah!!
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Know that I would take it all back if I could, and know that I hold myself responsible for all of the bad things that happened. I am so sorry that my hitting rock bottom the way I did impacted you. Any recompense you can imagine, anything you would ask of me, I would be happy to provide. I’m at your service. Always, Danika.  And it is my most sincere wish that someday, perhaps over time, you might consider being my friend again.

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Damn that ending. Damn it!!!

Now if you’ll excuse me, my sleep deprived ass will diving into book 3, which I’ve been told has some major groveling. And you all know how much I love me a good grovel. And I thank you

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