The Dark Light of Day by T.M. Frazier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Book Synopsis
My Review

Do you like sweet romances? Rainbows? Unicorns? Perfectly normal and non-damaged MC? Well too fucking bad! Because you’re not going to get that here. Not even close. So prepare yourself for a story that’s dark, gritty, brutal, devastating, gut-wrenching, keep-you-at-the-edge-of-your-seat-wanting-to-see-what-happens-next. Can’t say you weren’t warned.

Want me to describe my feelings through this books in one gif?
If there was one phrase that was running through my mind the entire time I was reading it, it was ‘Holy shit!’ I couldn’t believe this was a debut novel. Brilliantly written, utterly captivating, the story of Abby and Jake stole my heart, broke me, gutted me, and kept me completely unable to put the book down until I finished. I was sucked in from the very first chapter.
How a person can survive the horrors that this poor girl goes through and still come out with the strength that she does is beyond me. Life has not been kind to Abby. Not in the least. But with everything that she goes through, she maintains this persevering core. I fell in love with her character. You would think someone like her would be shy, awkward, but every time life knocked her down, she came up swinging. She didn’t take shit from anyone, but the vulnerable, damaged, and scared little girl that she hides behind her her carefully constructed walls broke my heart.
He was just everything you love in a broken hero. Jake is a man that has some very dark demons. He’s not the white knight that rides into the night to save Abby, but he does in his own dark way. But what I truly loved, was that mostly Abby saves herself.
This is not a story of perfect love and romance. It’s a story about 2 damaged souls that learn to walk together in the shadows.
By the time I finished this book, I was a fucked up mess of emotions. This book does not let up for even a second. I spent the entire second half of this book a hysterical fucking mess. And when I was down, and thinking it can’t possibly get any worse, T.M. Frazier would take what I imagined is her 6in booted foot and kick me right in the damn feels.
It was
Followed by
Which mainly led to me feeling like
This book gutted me. Gutted.Me. But I loved every single fucked up second of me. My advice for you once you decide to read this incredible yet dark story? Lots of booze. No really.
You’re going to need it.
This is an author that is now on my auto-buy list. I’m surprised I haven’t seen this book more on my GR feeds. It deserves to be there. If you like dark and gritty romances, this book is a HUGE rec from this girl. And this is coming from one picky bitch.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to set my feels right. They’re completely FUBAR after I finished. And I thank you

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