She craves what only he can give her. But he’s not giving in without a fight… Veterinarian Sal Kennedy’s lost her mojo and is desperate to get it back. In fact, as the anniversary of the tragedy that destroyed her life looms large, she’ll do anything to erase the painful memories, including overdoing the tequila and making a pass at the most annoyingly inappropriate man on the planet.
Fellow veterinarian Doyle Jackson is her flatmate and her employee and therefore strictly off-limits. Unfortunately, Doyle knows how to bring the goods and make her mojo sit up and beg. Doyle is only too happy to oblige Sal in her hour of need, but then she demands more, and she’s perfectly happy playing dirty to get it. He wants more, too—more than just sex, that is, and it’s something Sal’s not willing to give.
But Doyle is in this for the long haul now, and he’s prepared to fight even dirtier to get what he wants. Even if that means they both keep losing all their clothes in the process…
Either kill each other or just get naked and do the wild thing already. You’re scaring the animals.”

As much as I loved No More Mr. Nice Guy, I was really looking forward to Mack’s sister and Josie’s best friend getting her own book. She was such a fun and sassy secondary character in their book that she just HAD to be even better in her own one, right? Sadly that wasn’t the case here
There was something very broken about Sal Kennedy…
I am all for a heroine that owns her sexuality and makes no bones about it. Unfortunately there is that very delicate line between owning it and being brash, and for me, Sal kind of crossed that line. She was just too much in her own book. Clearly she’s hiding a deep rooted issue that causes her to be as detached as she is with men now.
She kissed like the devil, she came like a nymphomaniac who’d been celibate for a decade, and she shattered like a little girl who’d lost her best friend.
I think because the reader wasn’t privy to what her issues are until the last 15% of the book it made it really difficult to connect to Sal. I spent most of the book frustrated with her constant back and forth with Doyle. Especially since Doyle was such a nice guy and extremely tolerant and understanding of Sal’s behavior.
While Sal has no problem sleeping around, Doyle doesn’t want to be just another one-night stand. Living with Sal, he’s come to know her routine and he’s not enabling it. Of course he wants to have sex with her, but he just wants one thing first; a date.
Sal is having none of it. With over five years of using no strings sex as her form of therapy, she’s not looking to get tied down. But ever since the sexy vet moved into her apartment, he’s also seemed to have stolen her orgasms. Easy fix to that, right? Just have HIM give them to her. If only he didn’t want that damn date…
Fine. Let’s do it your way, then. Let’s go on a bloody date. Satisfied?”
“Ah…you want to try that again? NICELY?”
Sal almost chocked. “I beg your pardon?”
“Ask me nicely.”
“You want me to ask you nicely?”
“Sure. A guy likes to feel like he’s being romanced.”
While I get that the author wanted to leave the reason for Sal’s detachment for the big reveal towards the end, unfortunately it had a backfiring effect for me. This could have been a great emotional and sexy read, and it turned into an exercise in frustration. I never connected and Sal, and Doyle, no matter how sexy he was, just kind of fizzled out in the background of all her “issues”. I’m still a fan of this author and look forward to her next installment of this series. Sadly this book just didn’t quite do it for me.
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